29 July 2022
Oh my goodness, how is it already almost back-to-school time? The summer went so fast! Well, if we’re going to be hitting the books, let’s make some of them books we want to read about kids and school. I think it helps to see what other kids go through and how they...
14 September 2021
They say two is better than one. I don’t know about that, but I do know that I love a good story about twins. I always think it’s interesting to see the family dynamics that different authors give twins. I’m not a twin, but it’s fun to imagine what that relationship...
18 August 2021
Summer vacation is over and it’s time to hit the books! I love school books, don’t you? Oh wait, did you think I meant the kind you study at school? Nope, I’m talking about books about schools and the kids who go to them. In this post, I rounded up 15 “school...